Does your lab need help collecting pre-clinical oncology xenograft data? Hera BioLabs can help move your research forward with our in vivo xenograft services.
Hera BioLabs is a full-service CRO, offering a full range of in vivo studies in both mouse and rat models. With our state-of-the-art facility, Hera can complete your in vivo efficacy tumor xenograft or PDX model study in your preferred mouse model or our proprietary SRG OncoRat®.
The SRG rat has a double knockout of the Rag2 and Il2rg genes which results in a loss of mature B, T, and NK cells and an immunodeficient phenotype. The SRG rat demonstrates improved tumor growth kinetics and enables the collection of efficacy data in the preferred toxicology and metabolism species and background, the Sprague Dawley rat.
Whether your focus is in vitro screening, gene editing, PDX model establishment, or xenograft drug
Contact us to learn more.
Facilities Specifically Designed To House Immunocompromised Animal Models
Our vivarium was designed with sterility and efficiency in mind. With strict barrier protocols, your mouse or rat study animals will be housed safely in micro-isolator (Innovive IVCs) in species-specific rooms.
The adjoining surgical and procedure room is fully equipped with biosafety cabinets and anesthesia machines to deliver any specific study requirements, including sample collections, surgeries, device implantations, full necropsies, and more.
Watch the video to the left for a tour of our state-of-the-art facilities.

In Vitro And In Vivo Preclinical Services For Your Specific Research Needs
Our comprehensive xenograft efficacy services use the SRG OncoRat® platform as well as NSG mice and other mouse tumor models. Dozens of cancer cell lines and PDX models have been validated for immediate screening and we also routinely establish new tumor models for our clients.
Moreover, we offer compound screening via our in vitro service line for lead optimization and further development. Upon our merger with Transposagen Bio, we have added 10+ years of cell line engineering expertise and a proprietary suite of gene editing tools.
Interested in immuno-oncology? Hera can utilize NSG mice engrafted with CD34+ hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs), a validated platform providing bone marrow engraftment and development of multi-lineage human immune cells. We offer standardized humanized mouse.
Accredited Facility Leveraged By Our Talented Team
We are dedicated to ensuring the integrity of science. For this purpose, we obtained an OLAW-approved Animal Welfare Assurance from the NIH Public Health Service (PHS) Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (PHS Assurance).
We are also pending accreditation with AAALAC (Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care) at our facility in Lexington, KY.
To further facilitate comprehensive scientific teams, we hold membership and training programs with NIH (National Institute of Health), the University of Kentucky’s DLAR (Division of Laboratory Animal Resources), and AALAS (American Association of Laboratory Animal Science).

Advancing Personalized Medicine With SRG Rat Models
Goutham Narla, MD., PhD., and his team at the University of Michigan study the effects of modulating tumor suppressor gene activity. Specifically, he and his team of researchers are looking for small molecule activators of these genes to treat a wide range of cancers.
Hera and Dr. Narla collaborated on the creation of the OncoRat® to provide more personalized cancer treatments for patients. Through patient derived xenografts (PDX) using the OncoRat®, researchers can now grow and sequence PDX and patient tumors in tandem to see which arising mutations may sensitize the tumor to existing cancer drugs.