Grace Walton, Ph.D.

Grace Walton, Ph.D.

Scientist, Business Development

Dr. Grace Walton provides Business Development Support to Hera’s In Vivo team. Prior to joining Hera, Grace was Research Assistant Professor at the University of Kentucky, where she studied insulin resistance, sarcopenia, and molecular mechanisms of exercise. Grace earned her BS, MS, and PhD at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, where she studied central mechanisms of obesity, adipocyte biology, and the role of B-adrenergic signaling in insulin resistance. At Hera, Grace works closely with Sponsors to identify and develop appropriate in vivo study designs to optimize their pre-clinical budgets and timelines. She also works on the R&D projects that involve gene expression and serves as Vice Chair of Hera’s IACUC. In her free time, Grace makes art and loves live music.
