Independent US-Based CRO Facility
As a US-based preclinical oncology contract research organization (CRO), our facility was designed to house immunodeficient animals and genetically engineered rodent models. It incorporates a surgical and procedure suite, gowning room, and animal housing rooms with maximum barrier status.All of our CRO services are conducted in our independent facility located in Lexington, Kentucky, USA.

Our Vivarium
In order to provide high quality contract research (CRO) services, Hera commissioned and built a state-of-the-art facility designed specifically to house SCID and specialized mouse and rat models (i.e., the SRG rat, nude mice, NSG mice, NCG mice, SCID mice, or nude rats). The vivarium facility includes an entry way, gowning room, surgical suite, and housing rooms for both mice and rats.
In order to provide high quality contract research (CRO) services, Hera commissioned and built a state-of-the-art facility designed specifically to house SCID and specialized mouse and rat models (i.e., the SRG rat, nude mice, NSG mice, NCG mice, SCID mice, or nude rats). The vivarium facility includes an entry way, gowning room, surgical suite, and housing rooms for both mice and rats.
To ensure an environment of utmost sterility, Hera uses the Innovive Innorack® and Innocage® system to house all rodents. The disposable (recyclable) caging system includes high-performance dual HEPA-filtered Individually Ventilated Caging (IVC). The cages, materials, bedding, and water are provided sterile by Innovive. In addition, Hera only uses irradiated food and enrichment products. All animal holding rooms utilize positive air pressure to maintain barrier status. The vivarium maintains standard rodent housing conditions for temperature, humidity, and air circulation change rates. Emergency power and other back-up equipment are operational in the event of disaster or system irregularity.
AAALAC Accredited Animal Welfare Program
Hera’s Animal Welfare Program was awarded an AAALAC accreditation in 2019. AAALAC accreditation is a voluntary process that Hera has undertaken in adherence to the highest standards for animal care, to exceed compliance with local, state, and federal laws that regulate animal research. AAALAC assessment evaluates all aspects of animal care and use including facilities, animal housing, veterinary care, standard operating procedures, and independent oversight by IACUC. Additionally, our occupational health and safety program was evaluated to ensure personnel safety in working with animals.
The AAALAC International Council on Accreditation commended Hera BioLabs in the accreditation letter as follows:
“The Council commends you and the staff for providing and maintaining an exemplary program of laboratory animal care and use. Especially noteworthy were the strong administrative commitment to the program and to attaining accreditation, evidenced in part by the investments in the infrastructure, equipment, and personnel; the excellent documentation, substantiated by the thorough and well documented Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee protocols, personnel training records, and standard operating procedures; and the well written Program Description.”
Animal Housing & Husbandry
Animals are housed in species-specific holding rooms for mice and rats. All animal handling and husbandry is done inside a ClassII/A2 biosafety cabinet. Enrichment is provided to all animals in the form of various nesting materials, huts, chew blocks, and marbles. All animals are observed daily for abnormalities in behavior and health.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is required at all times by all personnel and visitors to be worn in all lab and vivarium spaces which involve animal care and use. This includes autoclaved sterile scrubs, face masks, hair nets, gloves, and gowns.

Hera follows strict SOPs regarding the care, handling, and use of animals for maintaining the highest level of sterility in both the rooms and cages of the severely immunodeficient rodent strains. These are available upon request.
Health Monitoring
Hera’s Animal Health Monitoring Program utilizes direct sampling from individual animals on a quarterly basis.
Immunodeficient animals are tested for:
IDEXX EDx / Opti-XXpress Mouse Comprehensive Panel Includes: P. pneumotropica, M. pulmonis, Staph aureus, β-hemolytic Streptococcus (Groups A, B, C, G), Helicobacter spp, K. oxytoca, K. pneumoniae, Salmonella spp, C. rodentium, C. piliforme, Ps. aeruginosa, MHV, MVM, MPV 1-5, MNV, TMEV, EDIM, MAV 1, MAV 2, Pinworms, Fur mites, S. muris, E. muris, T. muris
IDEXX EDx / Opti-XXpress Rat Comprehensive Panel Includes: P. pneumotropica, M. pulmonis, Staph aureus, β-hemolytic Streptococcus (Groups A, B, C, G), Helicobacter spp, K. oxytoca, K. pneumoniae, Salmonella spp, C. piliforme, Ps. aeruginosa, RCV/SDAV, RPV, KRV, H-1, RMV, RTV, BCV, MAV 1, MAV 2, Pinworms, Fur mites, S. muris, E. muris, T. muris
In addition to the panel, Hera also conducts quarterly tests for Rat Polyoma virus (RPyV2) and C. Bovis. Any medical cases of barbering are individually tested.
Contact Us
Contact Information: For questions regarding animal use, animal husbandry, or open staffing positions, please reach out to Emily Baldwin, Vivarium Manager, at ebaldwin @ Hera currently provides services only in mice and rats and does not offer breeding programs in guinea pigs, mini-pigs, reptiles, amphibians, or invertebrates.